
Let's build a Europe where all citizens benefit from digitized public services.

The Public Impact Hub connects digital professionals with public sector organizations to work together on specific challenges in our society.

People in the audience clapping

Our Mission

We drive the creation of human-centric and sustainable digital solutions. Together with public innovators, citizens, start-ups, talents and tech companies we shape tomorrow’s public service landscape.

Let’s overcome the challenges of today’s world

Society is facing increasingly complex challenges: elderly care, immigration, climate change and pandemic precaution are just some examples. Digital solutions are proven to help solve these challenges. Public sector plays a key role in providing these solutions, but is suffering from shortages in resources, skills, etc. It is not always about mastering overwhelming projects, many small steps will make a huge difference.

To fulfill our mission, we want organizations:

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To succeed.

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To have access to the right tools and methods.

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To have access to skilled international talents.

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To make impact in Europe's society.

You have a challenge
we can help you


Trusted by forward thinking industry partners

Landeshauptstadt München LogoLogo StMDLogo LSBG Hamburg

We pick the best in class elements from proven product innovation techniques:

Working backwards

puts all our attention to our customers and users. All starts with gaining a crisp understanding of their needs, jobs and pains. This is the fundament for ideating smart solutions and defining a path to production.

Agile mindset

makes us staying close to the users, reacting on new insights and learnings, enabling the team to work effectively and goal-oriented.

Lean start-up

equals managing risks and assumptions, starting experiments and always striving to create a strong value proposition while serving the customer as quickly as possible.

A team filling the Lean Canvas
Team composition with Product Manager, Software Engineer, AI Engineer and Interaction Designer

An autonomous product team can act like a lean start-up and has all the skills to validate new business ideas quickly.

We hire talented people, graduates and students from all over the world to work exclusively as one team on your challenge.

Here are some key facts

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Solve a real challenge

A cross-functional team will work exclusively on your specific challenge for three months in fulltime. Fresh concepts guaranteed.

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Access to talents

The team is composed of a range of international talents. The individuals are close to finishing higher education and are ready to start their careers aiming to create positive impact.

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Solution with impact

In just three months, the team will explore and validate solution ideas. Creating value for users/customers is fundamental for later success.

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Learning from and with each other

Working closely with the product team gives hands-on insight and experience about how to master product development challenges in a dynamic environment. We utilize state-of-the-art tech and tools.

Success stories

Explore solutions that solve today challenges.

Become a partner now - spots are limited

Get in touch with us and we will pick up the next steps together.



First, let’s get to know each other! In a meeting online or onsite we will discover your specific needs and challenges as well as our offer in more detail.


Together, we are going to identify and phrase the perfect challenge. Just to make sure covering both: creating business impact and fitting our discovery process.


Clarifying the remaining oranizational topics and onboarding of involved colleagues. We make you ready to get the most out the 3 months.


Getting to know the team and handing over the challenge. Let’s rock!

Four lucky persons standing at a demo booth

UnternehmerTUM and AWS work together to help public sector organizations

UnternehmerTUM Logo

Europe’s leading center for innovation and business creation is a unique platform for the development of innovations. Through the systematic matching of talents, technologies, capital and customers UnternehmerTUM actively identifies and initiates new businesses. A team of more than 300 employees support the successful journey of entrepreneurship and innovation - from training to venture capital.

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Learn more

Munich Urban Colab Logo
Amazon Web Services

As one of the leading tech companies, AWS is providing tech resources, know-how, experts and much more. This brings our teams on the road to success from the very first days.

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Learn more

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